I have decided that our “productive” part of the week will be Monday-Thursday. Friday-Sunday will be a bit slower, and there will be no homeschool activities except what Edwin wants to do for himself (which still looks like a lot of reading and science projects). This feels do-able for all of us. Pushing ourselves on work isn’t going to help anyone’s stress levels.
On Saturday, we made a Flat Eleanor out of the TV box insert! It was so much fun to trace her, and Flat Eleanor is our new fun prop. It’s hilarious when actual Eleanor talks to Flat Eleanor.

This being Monday, I was worried about today’s schedule, because it’s the first day so far that we haven’t been able to get outside at all (it snowed most of the day, and even thundered at one point!). But we still managed to settle into a decent schedule that didn’t include too much screen time.
Our Monday Schedule
6:00- I woke up, wrote for 40 minutes, and hopped on the elliptical for 20 minutes. By the time I got off, both kids were up.
7:15– Showers for me and Edwin. Then Edwin decided he wanted to get his Sowul School started early (I had planned on 9:00) so he got to work on his writing assignment, which was journaling and finishing the short story he’d started last week.
8:15– Breakfast for the kids
8:45– Breakfast for me and my husband– he cooked us eggs with leftover sausage and peppers from dinner a couple of nights ago. Yum!
9:00– Sowul school, including counting cubes for Eleanor who wanted to get in on the fun. Edwin used the Khan Academy app for math, which I really like. They have courses for adults, too! I checked out a few after he was done.
10:00– FaceTime music class with my mom, her guitar, and her backup chorus (my dad and Grandpa). A great part of every weekday morning! After the music, Edwin sat down with my grandfather (who is currently living with my parents so that he didn’t have to quarantine alone) and asked him questions about WWII. I’m so grateful my grandfather was willing to talk about his experiences.
10:45– Eleanor’s bath.
11:15– I needed a break, so I read and took a short nap while the kids watched Sesame Street with Daddy.
12:00– Making and eating lunch. The kids wanted Kraft Mac & Cheese, which I agreed to under the condition that Edwin helped me make it. He did a great job, and Eleanor even helped by putting the carrots and grapes on the plate! Did acquiring kitchen skills balance out the unhealthiness of Kraft?
1:15– Putting Eleanor down for her nap, then doing some clutter-clearing in Edwin’s room.
2:00– Writing time; read and answer emails about new project. (My newsletter subscribers got a preview this morning, and excitement is already generating! Stay tuned!) While I did this, Edwin played in his room.
3:30– Some chores (folding laundry, etc) while Edwin played with his Kindle.
4:10– Eleanor up from her nap. Snacks and reconvening in the living room. Mostly playtime with a little screen time. Conversation with husband about meals and plans (such as they are) and what our respective school districts are doing after “spring break” ends.
5:30– Edwin’s virtual karate class. Eleanor watches; I cook dinner.
6:20– Dinner (breaded catfish, mushroom couscous, mixed vegetables, green beans)
6:45– Clean up; listen to podcast (Best of Both Worlds bonus episode about COVID-19 life)
7:00– Eat grapefruit juice pop in the kitchen furtively watching Sex and the City 2 on my iPad while the kids watched one episode of Wildkratts
7:25– Kids’ bedtime routine– pajamas and toothbrushing, books on the bed, “family hug” and “family cheer”
8:00– Reading to Edwin in bed after putting Eleanor down. We’re halfway through My Side of the Mountain.
I’m guessing here, because I’m going to post this now, but the day will likely end with dessert, Schitt’s Creek, and reading before bed.
What did your Monday look like?
That is a full day, Leanne. My day was much easier! I did make a grocery store run to help get my adult son some food, because 25-year-oids don’t generally stock up with emergency food, and the grocery shelves here have been a little bare at times. I also worked on a post for Catching Happiness and did some reading out on our lanai, until that got too hot (talk about a difference in weather from what you’re experiencing!). My husband is still working at his office, so I made dinner for us when he got home.
I’ve had a hard time motivating myself to do anything but the bare minimum, so I’m thinking about giving myself a more strict schedule than usual, so I could perhaps actually accomplish a few things that get passed over when I’m busier.
Be good to yourself, Kathy! After this day, I needed to do less on subsequent days. (Some of that had to do with the spider bite keeping me off my feet, but still.) I’m usually really good at sticking to a schedule (Upholder!) but I’m finding that it’s harder lately. I need more sleep and more self-care.