Could you list the most pivotal moments in your life? I’d never given the idea much thought until I read a novel in which pivotal moments were a major theme. The characters, who possessed wildly...Read More
A few days ago, I was finishing lunch, with Edwin still in his high chair nibbling on puffed cereal and playing with his toy piano. He found a button that played a new song, and as it played, he got v...Read More
Hi, I’m Leanne and I’m addicted to audiobooks. I listen to them everywhere. In the car, taking walks, doing chores, even showering (I point my iPhone speaker toward the bathtub). Listening to audi...Read More
I’ve never been very good at living in the moment. I’m always thinking about what happened in the past, or planning for the future. I’ve improved since meeting my husband, who is mor...Read More