As the years have gone by, I’ve gone through a few cycles of New Year’s rituals. As a child, I used to spread out things on my bed that reflected what I wanted in the new year. Unsurpri...Read More
Welcome to the monthly book review! At the end of each month, I review the books I’ve read. Enjoy! The Book: Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson The Category: Biography In Three Words: Giant Apple...Read More
In this series, I give a brief snapshot of three unrelated books that I recently read and enjoyed. If you decide to read them too, I’d love to hear what you thought! The Category: Literary Fic...Read More
Oscar Wilde: no other writer is capable of putting so much humor and poignancy into a single, simple sentence. Here are some of my favorites: “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”...Read More
Fear is a big, mysterious concept. We know it when we feel it, but we find it hard to explain where it comes from. (In that way, fear is a lot like bravery, another indefinable force that I wrote abou...Read More
It’s a fact of life: some people will always try to encourage you to take the next step on the ladder of traditional societal norms. When you start dating someone seriously, it’s “So...Read More