The first full weekend of winter break has just finished, and I decided to check in with my winter break manifesto. True, it’s only been two days, but the first two set the tone, and I want to make sure I’m doing this right.
Have I….
Eaten a vegetable and a lean protein at every meal? Yes! This may be extra-challenging, as I am starting to suspect I may have developed a seafood allergy, but as long as there are eggs, nuts and beans, I’ll be fine.
Gotten my heart rate up for at least 15 minutes every day? Yes. Quite a bit longer than that on Saturday, and on Sunday I did 20 minutes on the elliptical while both my kids were in the room with me– something that wouldn’t have felt possible 6 months ago when my daughter was only 2.
Taken a gym or yoga class? Yes, I went to a Fight class on Saturday morning. I need that class in my life to get out all my aggression.
Eaten dessert only after 8:00? Yes. I think this is a great rule. I still get to look forward to a good dessert every night, but I’m not adding sugar to my daylight hours.
Meditated for 5 minutes a day? Yes, including this morning before getting out of bed.
Written every day? Yes.
Scheduled time for reflection and planning for Q1 of 2020? I’ve only done a little of this so far, but this goal is better achieved post-Christmas when all the holiday chores are off my mind.
Mapped out each day the night before? Yes, although I haven’t done it with my husband both nights, and it’s always better when he’s involved in the plan.
Read 4 books? I did finish one book and started another, and this one is short enough that I’ll probably be done in 2-3 days. I still need 3 more to reach my goal. I can do it, but they all have to be quick reads. That’s where I’m getting stuck– my whole TBR list is full of intense reads. Any suggestions?
Done a puzzle? Not yet. The dining room table has to be free for a stretch of nights for me to accomplish this.
I’m pretty happy with my manifesto so far! I’ve spent a pleasant, full weekend with my family, finishing up all the holiday chores, and I kept my sanity by sticking with my manifesto.
Time to start working on the next round of reflection questions.
If I don’t post again before then, have a wonderful Christmas and continuation of Hanukkah!