The first two reflection posts have served their purpose. In the past few days, they’ve prompted me to re-read my journal from 2019 (well, I skimmed it– it was tens of thousands of words long), write a list of my 2020 commandments (I’ll share it soon) and start my why/what/how goal and habit systems for Q1 of the year. I feel centered and focused and ready for 2020! So for this last post, I’ve decided to skip ahead to the “thinking forward” section of the questions. Less reflection, more anticipation!

What is your overarching theme for 2020?
In 2020, I’m looking to strengthen and grow my identities as a writer, a teacher/leader, the core of my family, and a physically/mentally healthy person. I came a long way in 2019, especially in terms of owning my mental health, which helped me in my other identities as well. I now know what I need to keep myself healthy and balanced, and I’ve finally learned that I have to put those needs first or everything else will fall. It’s time to take that to the next level and grow into my potential.
What do you want to see, discover, explore?
I want to curate my inputs. I want to read more essay and memoir, and keep enjoying the historical and sociological nonfiction books that excite me. I want to find more podcasts that I excitedly anticipate each week. I’d also like to explore music, find out what I most like to listen to, instead of relying only on my husband’s and kids’ interests. Travel is a requirement; I would love to plan a trip to San Diego with the family to visit my sister and her husband, who are awesome people living in an awesome city.
And I’ll be kicking off the year with a bang at my Lincoln Center Read 650 event on January 4! That’s going to be an incredible experience. I’m going to seek more events like that– ways to get my work out in a big way, or a small way, or any way that pushes me forward.
Who do you want to spend more time with in 2020?
Friends. I’m going to push myself to socialize more. I often skip things like department happy hours because of my kids, but if I just tried a little harder I could make it work. Taking time to laugh and relax with other adults is so renewing. I’d also love to plan trips to visit friends in other cities, and see my best friend as much as I can, because she makes me feel happy and grounded.
What skills do you want to learn, improve, or master?
I want to experiment with new forms of essay: a braided essay, a hermit-crab essay, any other interesting form I can find. I’m going to continue my education and iteration on the creative process so I can shake up my DIY MFA column and maybe start speaking at conferences. Although I feel comfortable onstage, I’d like to be a better public speaker.
I also need to create better habits and systems around resisting sugar. I already have some great routines around eating vegetables, taking my vitamins, exercising and meditating. Sugar is the final resistance.
Which personal quality do you want to develop or strengthen?
Inner calm.
What do you want your everyday life to be like?
Less hectic than it is now. More reflective, less driving, more focused on my true priorities instead of trying to do all the things the world expects of me and often failing.
Which habits do you want to change, cultivate or get rid of?
I want to quit my sugar habit. I’m not willing to cut myself off completely, because I take too much joy from food. But I need to create structures and systems to ensure I’m satisfied with less and tempted less often.
I’ve gotten better at incorporating high-intensity exercise this year, and it’s made a big difference at reducing my stress levels; I want to continue that in 2020.
What do you want to achieve career-wise?
Dare I speak it aloud? I want to sell my novel in 2020. I’d love an option on a second novel. I want to get more essays and short memoir published. 2020 might be the year that sets the course for the next several years of my writing life.
I’m also thinking about getting National Board Certified as a music teacher, but that depends on my writing workload. It would be very hard to focus on both.
How do you want to remember the year 2020 when you look back on it a few years from now?
A year of opening doors and being ready to walk through them.
What is your number one goal for 2020?
Strengthening the core of my identity, and finding peace, happiness and creativity in that strength.
Who else is feeling great anticipation for 2020? I’m so excited to see where this year will take us all!