As I wrote in my last post, 2018 was not all smooth sailing. However, things were looking up by the end of the year, and I’m hopeful that 2019 will provide space for some hopes and dreams I̵...Read More
It’s April 2. It’s Monday. It’s the day after a holiday and vacation from school, and it’s the start of the second quarter of the year. Today is the ultimate day for a fresh st...Read More
Uhh, Leanne, it’s mid-November. NaNoWriMo started three weeks ago. Why are you posting this now? Well, mostly because I’ve been so wrapped up in actually doing NaNoWriMo that I haven’...Read More
They say if you want something done, ask the busiest person you know, because that person knows how to work smarter, not harder. In American society, we often brag about the amount of time we spend w...Read More
Draft 2 of Blizzard, my novel set during the Blizzard of 1888, turned into something of a beast: it was a complete re-write that took very little material from the first draft. I worked almost exclu...Read More
Last Friday night, around 8:00 PM, I was tired. It had been a full day for me and a stressful one for the world. I was ready to get into my pajamas and snuggle with my baby girl on the couch with a m...Read More