Happy New Year, everyone!
I think any time of year can be a good time to set intentions, goals and habits, but I do love the ultimate fresh start of a new year. It’s become my tradition to set a word for each year to guide my sense of purpose. Results have been mixed over the years– my 2014 word, ACCEPT, was incredibly helpful, but I can’t even remember my 2020 word (understandable, I guess, because it was 2020).
Along with my Word, I also set intentions, goals and habits for the year. I didn’t do this last year, because so much of early 2021 felt like a continuation of 2020, and I honestly had no idea what the year would bring. 2021 was a ROLLERCOASTER. But I’m starting this year in a better mental state, and I feel hopeful that the word I’ve chosen for 2022 will help me navigate whatever comes my way.
The Word of 2022 is…

CENTER means:
- Physically trusting my gut, the center of my body
- Mentally focusing on my priorities and editing out the rest
- Seeking more moderate viewpoints and answers within an increasingly polarized society
- Stepping confidently into my role at the center of my family and the center of the band program at my two schools
- A feeling of completeness and wholeness, as defined by the circular nature of a center.
I’m really excited for this Word, and I can’t wait to hear the Words that other friends and readers have chosen!
Goals for 2022
I’m centering my priorities with several goals this year. They include:
- Physical Self: Maintaining my exercise routine; buying a new bike; growing out my hair!
- Writing: Drafting and editing a new YA novel; writing 1 personal essay per month
- Teaching: Continuing my work at the intersection of music, healing and equity with my mentor, Dr. Hunter
- Family: Planning quality time with each of my kids; continuing our “theme of the month” and library trips; writing in a one-sentence journal for each kid to document their year; making more time for dates with Nick
- Travel: Planning trips to Lancaster and Potsdam, and a 40th birthday trip with Laura!
- Reading: 75 books (my Goodreads goal– I’m aiming lower this year because of all the writing/baking/family time)
- Baking: Making a new recipe every weekend during the winter and posting photos
Something I haven’t figured out just yet is how this blog, and social writing in general, will fit into my plans for the year. I want to use this space more intentionally, and connect with the people and topics I care about on social media, but I tend to back off when I start to feel stress or pressure. I’d like to share more and be more authentic online, but I’m not sure how to approach it. It’s an ongoing issue for me. Any advice would be welcome!
That said, I’m not sure how often I’ll be posting this year. It’ll probably vary in frequency, as I’ve done in the past. But please know that I’m always grateful for my regular readers. Thank you for taking the time to read my words. I hope you have a wonderful 2022– and please do share your Word, if you have one!
Sounds like you’re ready to go for 2022! I hope it’s a stellar year for you.
I chose the word Simpler as word of the year this year. Last year’s choice of Dare was a misfire, considering how the year went. I have a tendency to make even simple things complicated, so I think Simpler will help in a number of areas of life. My blog post tomorrow will talk about that a little more!
Hi Kathy, I think Simpler is a great word– and I can’t wait to read your blog post about it!
Be well!